Ephemerally Everlasting

Copyright 2005-20011 Ephemerally Everlasting

Location: United States

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I am grieving. Wholeheartedly, lamenting my place. I am at a loss so great. I am body-shaking, non-breathing mess of tears.. I am aching from the tip of my toes to the hair on my head. I am forgetting to breathe.

My world seems to be crashing down around me and I feel adrift at the whims of the tide.

I am moving back in with my family in another state 1000 miles away from Charlotte, North Carolina which has been my home for the last 11 years. I do not know if I will return. I am injured and need to recuperate and as I am not allowed to drive or walk for the next four months... I need help.

I know that I don't have a choice and that is what is so hard in this... it is not my choice.

I am leaving all I have come to love and know.

I am leaving behind the place where I was once happy.

I am grieving.