Ephemerally Everlasting

Copyright 2005-20011 Ephemerally Everlasting

Location: United States

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Excerpts from Books

When I read a book I turn down the corner of the right-hand page to mark my place. I also turn down the corner of the left-hand page to mark something I want to remember.

I decided to put these down here so they're more real. I often have difficulty expressing why I feel something or why I am on the quest I am on.. the quest of self discovery and the quest of change. A few of these quotes will sum it up nicely.

"...asked me why I wanted to bother thinking about the past. I wanted to remember the good things. It was like my life had begun for real that summer and everything I'd done since, every choice I'd made both for better and for worse, had been a result. Now my life was changing around me while I stood in the middle, wanting something without knowing what it was. I wanted to remember something good so I didn't have to think about the bad, so it didn't have the power to keep affecting me. So I didn't keep making choices based on feeling like whoever I trusted would eventually let me down, so I could stop feeling like I didn't deserve good things. So I could stop dreaming about drowning."

"Sometimes the picture someone else paints for us is a more accurate portrayal than a reflection. What we see in the mirror is always reversed. A portrait not only allows us to see our own faces, but how it look to others."

"There are few times when we know with absolute certainty we are going to do something for the last time. Life has a way of moving in circles, bringing us back to places we didn't expect and taking us away from those we do. There are too many times when we don't pay cloose enough attention, and moments are lost in our assumption we'll have another chance."

--Megan Hart, Tempted.