Ephemerally Everlasting

Copyright 2005-20011 Ephemerally Everlasting

Location: United States

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Life Lessons...

Recently someone said to me they were sorry my marriage didn't work out. But that hopefully something good has come of it or will come of it. That sometimes we just don't know what the Lord has in store for us.

I don't know that I can say I'm sorry my marriage didn't work out... it's a very, very long and complicated story that cannot be explained in one or even five posts.

Did something good come of it?... Long, hard-learned life lessons came of it. I never fully understood the meaning of God's Grace until my divorce.

I learned to extend grace whenever I can. To be compassionate, empathetic, and and that even the most degenerate among us deserve to know love.

I have learned NEVER to judge another human for their actions because you cannot know their true motivations or their circumstances. That old saying about walking a mile in someone's shoes...

I learned that my temptations are not others temptations. And that even though I may be able to withstand the one thing that absolutely does you in...it doesn't mean I'm a better person than you are.

I learned it takes two people working toward the same goal to make a marriage work.

I learned that no matter how much you ask, plead, beg, pray... you cannot make someone do something they don't want to do.

I learned that when pushed against the wall, when pinned in a corner... you sometimes do things you never think you'd do just to keep your sanity and just to survive.

I learned sometimes it's no ones fault... both parties are to be share equally in the blame.

The most difficult lesson I learned is.... sometimes... love doesn't conquer all.

Love is terribly fragile.

Love is deep, strong and sturdy.

Love is the one thing that can heal and hurt at the same time.

Love can make the world a beautiful place

Love is both a decision and an emotion. The decision part is a lot easier to understand. The emotion part... crazy.

It took a little while... but I learned I still believe in love. Even after everything that I've been through... I still believe in love.

All those things... I learned. And, had I not been married and gone through a divorce I might never have learned those lessons.

I praise God, literally, I praise for the knowledge and the wisdom that came from those lessons.

And, I praise God that I am no longer in a relationship so toxic that it would have eventually killed every thing in me.

I suppose something good did come out of it... I still don't know what the Lord has in store for me. But I know I want to be His servant even though sometimes I fight tooth and nail against Him.