Ephemerally Everlasting

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Location: United States

Monday, March 06, 2006

What Now?

I received a late-night call from the Husband earlier this week. It started out pretty innocent but quickly turned into a lot of crying and feeling overly emotional. He was saying how he missed me and how he wanted to work on our relationship. He then asked me this question: “How are we supposed to work on our relationship when you don’t want to see me?” I didn’t answer; I couldn’t. I just remained silent and he then said I didn’t have to answer right away.

The thing I cannot bring myself to tell him is that I don’t want to.


Blogger Unknown said...

Then he'll keep calling and torturing your emotions. Is that fun?

For whatever the reason, your estranged-but-not-ex-husband seems to turn to you whenever he feels insecure (it was HIM that was crying and feeling emotional, right?) Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't we suppose to deal with our own insecurities, since they're purely subjective?

Ask yourself this: how does it benefit you (or him) to NOT say that you don't want to?

March 06, 2006 10:31 PM  

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